In January 2024, temperatures in Algaida were relatively mild, with highs of between 15 and 17 degrees Celsius. However, there was also some heavy rainfall this month. The days with heavy rainfall were particularly noticeable:
These heavy rains occurred in addition to numerous dry days, which led to an unstable water supply. The heavy rainfall helped to moisten the soil thoroughly, which is important for water storage in the coming drier months. At the same time, the mild temperatures made it possible to carry out winter work in the vineyard, such as pruning and tying the vines.
In February 2024, the mild weather continued, with temperatures remaining between 15 and 17 degrees Celsius. There was moderate rainfall, but it was less intense than in January. These conditions were ideal for further preparing the vines for the growing season after the heavy rains of the previous month.
In March 2024, there was gradual warming, with average temperatures between 17 and 20 degrees Celsius. The amount of sunshine increased and the rain remained low, which meant that the soil retained enough moisture without overwatering the vines. These conditions were ideal for sprouting young shoots and general care of the vines.
The first quarter of 2024 offered our vineyard in Algaida mostly favourable weather conditions. Despite the heavy rains in January, the mild temperatures and moderate rainfall in February and March supported the preparation and early growth of the vines. These stable weather conditions laid a good basis for the coming months of growth.